I will contact you prior to your lesson to check if you have had any symptoms of the virus within the last 7 days or have been in contact with someone who has, or is showing signs of having, the virus within the last 14 days. Should either of us be showing signs of having the virus or been in contact with someone showing signs of having the virus then we must follow the government guidelines regarding self-isolation. These can be found on the government website https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-list-of-guidance
The most important symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of any of the following:
· a new continuous cough
· a high temperature
· a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
Lesson cancellations related to Covid-19 will be not be charged.
I will not give a lesson if I have been in contact with someone showing signs of having the virus or if I am showing signs of having the virus myself. This may mean that I may have to cancel lessons at short notice.
Please ensure that you wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds, as per government guidelines, prior to coming out for your lesson.
Please don`t get straight into the car – I will get out and we will have a conversation to make sure we are both satisfied with all the safety measures in place. This will need to take place prior to each lesson.
I will take both yours and my temperature, with a non-contact thermometer prior to you have in the car. Should either you or I have a high temperature then the lesson will be cancelled with the usual cancellation charges being waived.
You may wear disposable gloves in the car if you wish however please do not put them on until you are about to enter the car.
Please wear suitable clothing i.e. long trousers – no shorts at this time, please. Short sleeved shirts/tops will be acceptable as long as you are happy to use sanitiser on your arms as well as on your hands.
I will have hand sanitiser available for your use.
I will also ensure that I have either washed my hands with soap and water or used hand sanitiser prior to arrival at your pick up point.
I will have a supply of disposable gloves and face masks available to you however you may use your own, if you prefer. Please see government guidelines on the use of face coverings. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/staying-safe-outside-your-home/staying-safe-outside-your-home#:~:text=Face%20coverings,-If%20you%20can&text=From%2015%20June%2C%20you%20must,covering%20does%20not%20protect%20you.
Plastic face masks may not be worn due to safety reasons.
Before/after each lesson I will ensure that I sanitise the car to make it as safe as I can for each of us. This will include cleaning down the door handles inside and out, the window and mirror controls, the seat and head restraints, the seatbelt and it`s connection, the gear stick, the handbrake, the steering wheel, the indicator and wiper stalks, the car keys and any training resources I may use. I will use products which contain a minimum of 70% alcohol in order to protect against the virus.
During the lesson it may be necessary for us to stop and wipe something down again, for example, the steering wheel if I have needed to give some assistance with steering, or if I have given a demonstration drive, in which case everything will be cleaned down again.
I will keep disposable bin bags in the car so that all cleaning wipes/gloves/masks/tissues etc can be disposed of safely and responsibly.
We will avoid contact with training resources as much as possible so will not share the same pen, visual aids etc. Should we need to check something on Google maps then I may ask you to open the app on your own device instead of using mine – whilst parked up and with the engine off, of course.
We are unable to maintain a distance of being 2 metres apart whilst in the car, so much as possible we will not face each other whilst having a conversation, as it will be safer to face forwards.
I will not be taking cash at this time so all payments will need to be via bank transfer. Please let me know, before I arrive for your lesson, if this will be a problem.
After your lesson, be advised to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds once you get back into your house/workplace, as per government guidelines. If possible, it would be advisable to shower and change clothes after your lesson.
Please ensure you contact me as soon as possible if you are feeling unwell after your lesson or before your next lesson.
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